
Vanderven strives to be the best source of fascinating stories related to oriental art. In our discover columns, we frequently publish interesting stories, exhibitions and other tales from the orient.

27 September 2024 - 12 January 2025 Asian Bronze | Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, presents 75 masterpieces showcasting the beauty of 4,000 years of Asian bronze art - from statues of gods to objects for ritual practice and everyday use.

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Until 4 January 2026 Dragons & Demons | The Groninger Museum

The Groninger Museum presents the exhibition 'Dragons & Demons - 5000 Years of Asian Ceramics from the Anders Collection'.

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2 March - 1 September 2024 Porcelain Fever | The Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics

The Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics in Leeuwarden presents the exhibition 'Porcelain Fever: the white gold of Augustus the Strong and Madame de Pompadour'.

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British Museum | 18 May – 8 October 2023 China's Hidden Century

In a global first, the resilience and innovation of 19th-century China is revealed in a major new exhibition. The exhibition is underpinned by a four-year research project supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and led by the British Museum and London University, in collaboration with over 100 scholars from 14 countries.

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Three Teachings in China Sanjiao

The Three Teachings, or Three Teachings in Harmony (三敎合一 Sānjiào Héyī), refer to the three main beliefs in China: Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism. To this day they co-exist in harmony, often practised simultaneously, even overlapping in certain areas. Together they reflect the long history, mutual influence and even complementary teaching of these belief systems. Each practice has dominated or risen to favour during certain periods of time. Chinese emperors sometimes preferred one of the teachings and the others would temporarily fall out of favour, but re-emerge again at a later date. One of the earliest references to this Trinitarian idea is attributed to Li Shiqian, a 6th century scholar, who wrote that “Buddhism is the sun, Daoism the moon, and Confucianism the five planets.” – meaning they are separate entities but coexist in harmony.

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Koninklijke VHOK Cursusprogramma Najaar 2021!

Kunst en antiek komen dichterbij dan ooit; stukken worden in detail bekeken en toegelicht en u krijgt informatie over de waardeontwikkeling van objecten. Het gaat in deze cursus niet alleen over kennis, maar zeker ook over de liefde voor oude kunst & antiek! Lees gauw verder voor meer informatie.

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Timeline Chinese Dynasties

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